Meet the Expert! Edit Varhelyi discusses her successful clinic network in Budapest

Our third podcast episode is here! Edit Varhelyi, owner of the Gerincklinika physiotherapy clinic network in Budapest, Hungary discusses her business development in the device-based physiotherapy market. In the „Meet the Expert!“ podcast series, David’s Founder and CEO Arno Parviainen interviews experts in the field of medical exercise therapy.


Meet the Expert! Edit Varhelyi discusses her successful clinic network in Budapest

Edit Varhelyi owns and operates the Gerincklinika physiotherapy clinic network in Budapest, Hungary. The clinics include the Thököly location, Apor Vilmos clinic, and the Versec clinic location. In this podcast episode, Edit and Arno discuss challenges and opportunities of group training, improvements to communication between physiotherapist and patient, as well as success with online marketing.

neck pain treatment with neck exercise equipmentEdit exercises on the G140 cervical spine extension device.


Podcast Timeline:

0:00 – 2:58: Edit Varhelyi’s introduction, opening up David Spine clinics in Budapest, Hungary and expansion to Shoulder and Hip & Knee Solutions

3:00 – 5:20: Gerincklinika back clinics provide a comprehensive approach with doctor appointments, physiotherapy, manual therapy. Introduction of psychotherapy provides support for both clients and staff.

5:30 – 7:00: Edit discusses the challenges and opportunities of group training

7:05 – 9:40: Physiotherapist retention and how to keep them motivated in the Gerincklinika network

9:50 – 13:20: Developing the communication between physiotherapist and clients to improve treatment outcomes, and meeting patient goals and expectations

13:25 – 15:30 : Edit details her important marketing message to prospective clients

15:30 – 16:50: Gerincklinika’s marketing efforts and how they personally reach out to interested clients

17:00 – 18:15: Edit describes the wide range of clients find Gerincklinika and mutual support from doctors, and slow progress for insurance

18:20 – 19:00: Upcoming Calendar functionality will help in organizing the Group training at the Gerincklinika clinic network.

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