Intelligent Exercise Equipment

The core values of intelligent Exercise Equipment

DAVID has been developing exercise equipment for physiotherapy centers, hospitals rehab department, chiropractor practices, spine or orthopedic centers, company prevention centers,  elderly centers, fitness centers, and military bases since the 1980s. DAVID is a world leader in data-driven device-based exercise equipment and has more than 600 installations within medical facilities in Europe, North and South America, Australia, and Asia.

The state-of-the-art exercise equipment is manufactured in Finland (Europe) and is supported by various validation and outcome-based scientific articles. An experienced team of engineers and exercise specialists design our medical exercise equipment, producing the most advanced rehabilitation technology.

The core values of our solution consist of the following:
  • Produce biomechanically optimized exercise equipment for musculoskeletal complaints
  • Achieve the right dosage of exercise therapy for the optimal training stimulus
  • Quantify exercise therapy with real-time tracking of exercise parameters
  • Utilize therapy software as a therapist’s virtual assistant with the deployment of artificial intelligence
  • Treat multiple patients at the same time with a scalable solution

Learn more about the core values of our DAVID solution

Produce biomechanically optimized exercise equipment for musculoskeletal complaints

The DAVID solution includes joint-specific exercise equipment with optimized biomechanical properties for spine, hip, knee and shoulder joints. The devices use the correct alignment of joints and axes, scientifically proven load curves and isolation of target areas by effective fixations. effective fixations.9,10  This ensures remarkably gentle movement of the joints while providing the highest possible neuromuscular training effect.

Technology and design

Achieve the right dosage for exercise therapy for the optimal training stimulus

The main component in successful progress is the ability to quantify and control all variables in therapeutic exercises. This is possible if the devices are correctly designed to provide smooth and easy-to-handle loading over the full range of movement. The movement and speed are accurately controlled by the responsive graphical feedback of the device screens, EVE Terminals. This ensures that individually prescribed and safe range is followed.

EVE Software

Quantify exercise therapy with real-time tracking of exercise parameters

Systematic reviews show that exercise interventions are poorly reported in various health conditions. If exercise is a medicine, it is unclear how it is prescribed and given, potentially limiting the translation of research into practice.8

With the innovative DAVID technology, all parameters of exercise are controlled numerically so that program creation, patient counseling and data collection can be managed digitally. This is the only way we can develop structured programs based on the baseline tests, background data and severity of the individual’s problem and all in a scalable manner.

How to quantify Objective Training Results?
Let’s take a closer look at external rotation of the shoulder to understand how to quantify training. We are not interested in training external rotation of the shoulder as a qualitative description. We want to train shoulder rotation, for example, from -30 degrees to 45 degrees at a rate of 37.5 degrees per second with a load of 15% of the 1RM for 84 seconds while the shoulder is in 60 degrees of abduction. It is easy to understand the benefits of quantification, because it saves an incredible amount of time when a complete program can be assembled in seconds based on the patient’s strength and mobility tests performed with the same devices. Once the program is generated, it is easy to verify its suitability during the first introductory session and make necessary fine tuning directly from the device terminals.


Utilize therapy software as a therapist’s virtual assistant with the deployment of artificial intelligence

Strength training has been proven to be effective in treating various conditions and improving overall health.1,2,3,4,5 Still only ~20 % of the population meets the physical activity (PA) guidelines and the economic burden of low physical activity creates substantial societal costssts.6, 7 There is also a significant shortage of therapists in Europe, the UK, USA, China and Australia to supervise these patients.

DAVID has developed a therapy software platform, EVE, to support healthcare professionals. EVE therapy software has exercise therapy training templates and intelligent data-driven exercise equipment to guide patients during exercise. A virtual assistant monitors the results in real time, and convenient program rules led by algorithms and artificial intelligence ensure optimal training stimulus without constant therapist intervention.

All relevant data is collected automatically from several sources: e-mail links, tablets, mobile phones, Info-Kiosk and David devices. Data gathering is pre-programmed according to each treatment pathway, which ensures that all data is collected and with minimal human intervention. Data is collected from questionnaires, pain maps, tests, and exercises.

All data is instantly available for reporting and analysis. With one click, an up-to-date status of any patient can be retrieved. All relevant center or network-level data is available at all times for managers.


Treat multiple patients at the same time with a scalable solution

The use of data-driven device-based exercise therapy provides cost-effective and scientifically proven treatment of various musculoskeletal complaints.

About 40% of patients can and want to train independently after the introduction phase of 2 sessions.

  • 30% can and want to train independently after five training sessions
  • 20% of the patients do not want to train independently but wish to train in a group setting
  • 5% do not want to train independently or in a group
  • 5% cannot train independently or in a group.

Business cases

With DAVID technology and EVE software, it is possible through adaptive diagnosis-based training programs to allow patients to train independently and safely without losing quality.

Discover the world of the DAVID Exercise Equipment

DAVID offers solutions for both the back, shoulder, knee and hip region. With the most advanced technology for rehabilitation, DAVID is the market leader in data-driven exercise therapy.

Scientific Articles

1. Gorzelitz, J., Trabert, B., Katki, H. A., Moore, S. C., Watts, E. L., & Matthews, C. E. (2022). Independent and joint associations of weightlifting and aerobic activity with all-cause, cardiovascular disease and cancer mortality in the Prostate, Lung, Colorectal and Ovarian Cancer Screening Trial. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 56(22), 1277-1283.

2. Codella, R., Ialacqua, M., Terruzzi, I., & Luzi, L. (2018). May the force be with you: why resistance training is essential for subjects with type 2 diabetes mellitus without complications. Endocrine, 62, 14-25.

3. Herold, F., Törpel, A., Schega, L., & Müller, N. G. (2019). Functional and/or structural brain changes in response to resistance exercises and resistance training lead to cognitive improvements–a systematic review. European Review of Aging and Physical Activity, 16, 1-33.

4. Abou Sawan, S., Nunes, E. A., Lim, C., McKendry, J., & Phillips, S. M. (2023). The Health Benefits of Resistance Exercise: Beyond Hypertrophy and Big Weights. Exercise, Sport, and Movement, 1(1), e00001.

5. Singh, B., Olds, T., Curtis, R., Dumuid, D., Virgara, R., Watson,  A., Szeto, K., O’Connor, E., Ferguson, T., Eglitis, E., Miatke, A., Simpson, C. & Maher, C. From Alternative to Mainstay: the overwhelming evidence supporting physical activity as a treatment for anxiety and depression. June 2023.

6. Garcia-Hermoso, A., López-Gil, J. F., Ramírez-Vélez, R., Alonso-Martínez, A. M., Izquierdo, M., & Ezzatvar, Y. (2023). Adherence to aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities guidelines: a systematic review and meta-analysis of 3.3 million participants across 32 countries. British journal of sports medicine, 57(4), 225-229.

7. Kolu, P., Kari, J. T., Raitanen, J., Sievänen, H., Tokola, K., Havas, E., … & Vasankari, T. (2022). Economic burden of low physical activity and high sedentary behaviour in Finland. J Epidemiol Community Health, 76(7), 677-684.

8. Hansford H.J, Wewege M.A, Cashin A.G, Hagstrom A.D, Clifford B.K, McAuley J.H, Jones M.D. If exercise is medicine, why don’t we know the dose? An overview of systematic reviews assessing reporting quality of exercise interventions in health and disease. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 2022.

9. Denner A. Muskuläre Profile der Wirbelsäule. Berlin, Heidelberg; Springer; 1997. Chapter 7.4, Ergebnisse Eigener Reliabilitäts- und Validitätsuntersuchungen; p. 163–178.

10. Peolsson A, ÖBerg B, Hedlund R. Intra- and inter-tester reliability and reference values for isometric neck strength. Physiotherapy Research International 2001;6(1):15-26.

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