Aiku by Nordic Health

Mexiko | Orthopädisches Zentrum, Physiotherapiezentrum | Wirbelsäulen-Trainingsgeräte

Aiku by Nordic Health is the first location to utilize the DAVID Spine Solution in Mexico.

At AIKU, we use non-invasive treatments with cutting-edge technology to stabilize the spine and relieve pain. Our personalized treatments strengthen the deep muscles and rehabilitate the nervous system. With 30 years of proven results in Europe and 5 years in Mexico, we adopt a comprehensive patient-centered approach. At AIKU, our patients are the most important.

Calle Nueva York 115
Colonia Nápoles, Benito Juárez

03810, Mexico City


+52 (55) 8663 5255

“Five stars are not enough to rate Aiku. I came in with cervical problems, which were causing severe headaches, neck, and back pain. For 5 years, my life was affected. I had previous treatments but nothing helped me. Until I came to Aiku, I started to improve from the first week, and since then, everything has been smooth sailing! All the staff work with great professionalism and dedication. You are under observation all the time, they validate your pain, and they are always willing to explain everything. Now that I have finished my therapy, I can resume the life I had put on hold. 100% recommended!” – patient
Aiku by Nordic Health