Sportif Wiesbaden

Deutschland | Physiotherapiezentrum | Hüft- und Knie-Trainingsgeräte, Schulter-Trainingsgeräte, Wirbelsäulen-Trainingsgeräte

The Sportif physiotherapy clinic in Wiesbaden, Germany provides a wide range of physiotherapy services including exercise therapy with the David Spine Solution, Hip & Knee Solution, and Shoulder Solution. The clinic uses the DAVID technology to provide controlled and effective device therapy to treat musculoskeletal pain.

Sonnenberger Str. 82

65193, Wiesbaden


+49 611 562746

“Very nice gym with a pleasant atmosphere and courteous people. The new DAVID devices are great and allow a controlled and efficient approach, even for weight lifting.” – Aleksander K., customer

Sportif Wiesbaden