Zipper Lanyard with David Logo
The blue zipper lanyard is a fun and versatile accessory to provide your clinic’s personnel and patients.
For example, with these lanyards, you can provide a stylish way for your clinic’s personnel to carry around their EVE Instructor cards and keys. Or why not give all of your clinic’s customers and patients this useful gift? The zipper lanyard can be combined with the clear cardholder for an effortless way to carry around the EVE RFID card

Zipper Lanyard with David Logo
The Zipper Lanyard is a blue lanyard that includes the David Logo. The zipper is 8mm wide and is lined by fabric to secure the zipper. The end of the zip has a metal parrot clip. This can be used to easily fasten clear EVE card holders, keys, or personal ID tags.
The blue zipper lanyard and clear card holder are sold separately.