Internal Analysis

A Global Solution

The DAVID Solution is present in more than 35 countries. There are several analyses and examples from around the world. In this overview we present a number of examples from daily practice

EVE / non-EVE comparison

With the addition of the rehabilitation software EVE, performance has improved significantly.


To examine if visual guidance and feedback (EVE system) during exercise provides greater pain relief compared to treatment without visual feedback (no EVE system).


24 sessions in 12 weeks with David Spine Concept.


There was substantial pain reduction (VAS) in both groups but the reduction was 20 % greater with the EVE compared to the non-EVE treatment (81% vs. 63%)

Source: Data from USA, analysis by David

View the analysis

Company Prevention

Company prevention with coal mine workers


To reduce sick leave cases using active David Spine Concept rehabilitation program during a 9-month training period.


A 9-month exercise training program using David Spine Concept. Participants included in the analyses had pain and discomfort in back or neck area. Participants’ age ranged from 20 to 64 years (62% male), of the participants 27 % were engineers and 73 % did physical labor work.


A 34.98% reduction in sick leave cases for the first 9 months of 2014 compared to the same period in 2011.

Increased the maximum strength of the muscles of the spine and the mobility of the spine in 94% of patients. Significantly reduced pain in the back and neck in 87% of patients. All patients reported improvement of exercise tolerance in production and everyday life.

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Source: SUEK, Russia

Company prevention program – Mercedes-Benz factory


In 2009 there was a need to protect the workers against back problems. Reasons included:

  • Low back pain was the most common individual diagnosis and caused the most economic impact and resource consumption in the company
  • 70% of the workers had episodes of back pain at work
  • Back pain was the most common cause for chronic work incapacity
  • Work is associated to assembly chains
  • 85% of the injuries were due to bad ergonomics
  • The workers were getting older

Rehabilitation program:

  • In Company Training (during work time)
  • Individual programs for each worker (with progression)
  • Initial test + 16 visits (1 per week) +Outcome test
  • Flexion and extension devices (110 + 130)
  • 10-15 min/visit

Work absenteeism:

  • Sick days (due to back problems) were reduced by 78%
  • Number of sick employees due to back problems was reduced by 70%
  • Visits to the doctor (due to back problems) were reduced by 29%

Workers’ own perceptions:

  • 91% of the workers thought the program was effective against back pain
  • 95% of the workers would like to continue doing the program
  • 87% of the workers would recommend the program to their colleagues

Read the full article

Source: Athlon, Spain


Preliminary data results from 479 patients indicates long-term benefits of medical exercise treatment


This study is done by getback shows that medical exercise therapy has long-term benefits for treating back pain. The Australian getback program utilizes the David technology in their medical exercise treatment program.


The getback’s device based spinal pain treatment and intervention enables research data to be collected from consenting patients. Six TGA-registered Medical Devices measure and record an array of data on both the Cervical and Lumbar/Thoracic spines.

The devices enable us to obtain valid and reliable data measurements of a patient’s movement capabilities and also to quantify the amount of strength in the muscles we are targeting for treatment.

These Clinical Results are presented from the treatment of a sample of 479 patients who presented with CLBP at getback Rehabilitation Clinics. These patients were followed up 12 months after their initial treatment for re-assessment.

  • 253 Females and 226 males gave informed consent to examine their clinical treatment results.
  • The mean significant change in The Owestry Disability Index [ODI] over the getback rehabilitation programme was from 32.8% to 10.8% scores for Initial [T1] to post Rehabilitation [T2], respectively. A 20% change in ODI is considered clinically significant.
  • The 12 month follow up [T3] in the ODI revealed that the ODI Post rehabilitation score [T2] was maintained over the 12 months follow up, at 10.8 and 7.9%, respectively.
  • A mean change in strength score presented as an average across tests (T1 & T2) for Lumbar Thoracic Flexion, Extension, Rotation and Lateral Flexion revealed a significant increase of 62.5% with a range of 46-82% increase from T1 to T2 measures.
  • 12 Follow up data [T3] demonstrated that strength gains were maintained when assessed 12 months later. No significant difference from T2 toT3 reveals a mean change of 1.78% overall in these measures.
  • getback clinic-by-clinic analysis showed remarkable consistency in the trends in the strength changes over the three measurement periods [T1, T2,T3].

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Source: getback, Australia