Orthopedic center Bergstrasse – Heidelberg

Alemania | Centro Ortopédico | Dispositivos para la cadera y la rodilla, Dispositivos para el hombro, Dispositivos para la columna vertebral

The private orthopedic center Bergstrasse in Heidelberg, Germany provides a variety of treatments and therapies to treat musculoskeletal pain. The orthopedic center provides medical exercise therapy with the David Solution to treat a variety of back pain, shoulder pain, and knee pain disorders. The exercise therapy is individualized to each person’s needs.


Bergstraße 34

69120, Heidelberg


+49 6221 6569790


«Dr. Bakki and his practice staff are very competent, friendly and up to date with the latest knowledge and technology.» – Martin

Orthopedic center Bergstrasse – Heidelberg