In a previous blog, we discussed the EVE platform and its dynamic patient reporting capabilities. As noted before, when a patient trains on a David device the EVE software collects all training data and information. A doctor or physiotherapist can access this training information from the cloud service for treatment tracking and reporting.
Continuous tracking improves treatment evaluation
Treatment tracking is an important function of EVE because it allows for evaluation of an individual’s rehabilitation program. Throughout the course of the treatment program, medical personnel can access a patient’s training data to evaluate the quality and make necessary changes. These changes include increasing/decreasing repetitions, resistance, and range of motion.
When a patient is introduced to the David rehabilitation system, initial isometric strength and mobility measurements are taken in order to document the patient’s starting point. A physiotherapist can then create an individualized treatment program based on these values. Over the course of the treatment program, these tests help to track the patient’s progress. Let’s see what this looks like in reality.
Evaluating the patient’s rehabilitation progress
Leif Hällsten, a 76-year old senior citizen, visits the Nordic Health clinic in Helsinki once a week. In fact, he is in the 60+ Senior Care program, which was featured in our blog last fall.
As a young man, Leif was very active in competitive football and ice hockey. However, in his early 40s, Leif found he had a leaky heart valve and his doctor suggested to stop physical exercise almost altogether. Then, at the age of 60 he underwent heart valve replacement surgery, and as a result Leif’s physical activity remained limited. He would only walk or bicycle short distances. That is until he started at Nordic Health.
Leif training on the G200 Knee Flexion device at Nordic Health.
In order to evaluate Leif’s rehabilitation, his test reports have been printed from the EVE cloud service. Here we focus on strength in the legs, abdominals, and hand grip. These isometric tests were done using the G130 and G200 David devices. The hand grip strength test is done with a Saehan hand dynamometer device.
What do the EVE profile reports tell us
In spring 2018, Leif did the initial test measurements at Nordic Health. These measurements are shown in orange on his EVE chart below. Five months later another round of isometric testing was done, and again 5 months after this. Hanna Lindberg, who helps run the 60+ Senior Care program, can use this chart to evaluate Leif’s strength progress.
The EVE profile report from Leif. Personal information removed.
“In the knee extension tests, you can see that his leg strength has continually increased. Over the course of 10 months, it has improved by 36.4%.” However, for the abdominal strength values there is first a strong increase in strength, followed by a drastic decrease.
“This information is also useful for us to know because it shows that progress hasn’t happened for some reason, which we need to figure out together with the patient”. In Leif’s case, he was hospitalized in September and unable to visit the clinic for 6 weeks. Hanna says “laying down for a prolonged time caused the decrease in abdominal strength, but leg strength remained good because he was still able to walk during this time.”
Having this profile report helps understand the patient’s overall condition and evaluate the patient’s progress. Another thing to note on the EVE reports is the hand grip. The hand grip tests are always done for those in the 60+ Senior Care program. “This is used as a screening test for muscle function and physical health”. More information on hand grip strength can be found here.
The same EVE profile report can also be produced as numeric data as shown below.
Numeric profile report from Leif. Personal information removed.
What has Leif learned from the EVE reports
Going over the report with Hanna, Leif is surprised by the improvement in his leg strength. “It is difficult for me to notice much of a difference by myself, but looking at this chart helps me understand my progress. It energizes me to stay active”. Over the course of a year Leif has noticed positive changes in his own approach to physical active.
«Looking at this chart helps me understand my progress»
“Before I was rarely active. Nowadays I visit the NH clinic once a week, go swimming twice a week, and go on even longer walks than before”. This has changed Leif’s attitude and he plans to remain as active as possible.
Hanna is happy to see that Leif’s overall health has improved and that he has added more physical activity to his daily life. “It is great to see that just one visit a week can encourage our clients to be more active outside of Nordic Health”.
Interested to know more? Our website has more information on the EVE platform and its reporting functions. Our blog will continue to feature more articles that describe specific functions of the David technology. Stay tuned!