Companies that take care of their workers: Erreka Fastening Solutions

Erreka Fastening Solutions has a company prevention program that utilizes the DAVID Spine Solution. This treatment program treats and prevents back and neck pain for the company’s factory workers. Read the employee testimonials below to learn more about how beneficial a company prevention program can be! The original article was written and published by Athlon, and can be found here.

Erreka Company prevention program treats and prevents back problems

Erreka S. Coop. was one of the first companies to trust the David Health Exercise Therapy method. The company, based in Bergara and Antzuola, and which today has its own miniClinic, began sending employees to the Aretxabaleta clinic in 2014.

We have interviewed four of these employees to get to know their experiences during these almost 8 years in which they have made use of our devices for the prevention of spine disorders.

“It’s an ideal program for anyone who has back and neck problems”

Anabel Castillejo started in the first prevention program back in 2014 and has continued to participate in the program. When asked why she continues to participate in the prevention program Anabel responds, “I keep coming back because it suits me. I don’t have back pain and I feel good. Since I started, I have never taken a day off work for back pain. I think it’s an ideal program for anyone who has back and neck problems.”


Gorka Mendiaraz comments: “I have always had back problems and it was the Erreka company doctor who recommended that I participate in this program”. He was satisfied with the program from the beginning: “My back problems have improved a lot. It is especially noticeable in my mobility”. Gorka, who has not had to miss work due to back problems, says: “I would recommend it to the general public, as a preventive measure. Muscle strengthening and exercise are beneficial for everyone.”

My back problems have improved a lot, especially in my mobility.


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“All people can benefit from exercise therapy as a way to prevent back and neck pain”

Ramón Mendizabal’s back problems were a result of a motorcycle accident: “I came to the program through Erreka’s company doctor and on the recommendation of my friend Isidro.  I was close to entering the operating room and they recommended that I try this exercise method before any surgical intervention. To date, I have not had any surgery, I lead a normal life and do a lot of sports”. Ramón keeps coming back because: “It suits me very well.  Over time, I have not had any back pain relapses. And if I have had any pain it has been very, very minor. I don’t even remember when the last pain relapse was”.

company prevention program for back pain relief

Finally, when asked what kind of people can benefit from the treatment: “All people can benefit as a way to prevent neck and back pain. It is very important to stay active to avoid injuries and muscular ailments. I think this concept helps to change the general idea we have of passive treatment. Without active treatment there is no success.”


Without active treatment, there is no success.


Santi Barrena is one of the most active users of the DAVID devices. “I have suffered from torticollis (twisted neck) several times. The company offered me this treatment opportunity and I found it interesting”. He continues to do the prevention program twice a week: “I notice that my pain has significantly decreased. Since I’ve been coming, I haven’t had torticollis. My neck pain has also improved, and it doesn’t hurt like before. In addition, you get exercise. I recommend it to anyone who has a spine or neck problem, because you can see a real improvement”.

neck pain treatment company prevention program

DAVID Company Prevention Solution for back and neck pain treatment

Company prevention providers and rehabilitation clinics can expand their businesses with remote prevention units without space and distance constraints. The DAVID Prevention equipment is installed on the premises of the client company. Health evaluations as well as mobility and strength measurements are done for employees. Then, individual training programs are created based on the results.

Learn more on our dedicated webpage!