Knee replacement rehabilitation

Knee replacement rehabilitation

Knee replacement surgery is most often performed due to advanced knee osteoarthritis. In osteoarthritis, the joint loses more cartilage than is regenerated. The surface of the joint cartilage becomes damaged and can wear away, allowing the bones to rub against each other. The irritation causes inflammation of the joint lining, leading to swelling and stiffness. The body is unable to repair the damaged joint cartilage on its own. In knee replacement surgery, the worn-out surface is removed. Artificial joint surfaces are then placed on both the femur and tibia and secured with bone cement.


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Knee rehabilitation starts even before knee replacement surgery

After surgery, the leg is usually allowed to bear full weight. Initially, you should use a walking aid, such as crutches, to avoid limping. The surgical incision usually heals completely within 4-6 weeks, although the stitches will be removed a few weeks after surgery.

Post-operative rehabilitation starts immediately in the recovery room. It is very important for the functionality of the knee to begin walking and mobility exercises as soon as possible. The first exercises focus on improving functional capacity and reducing swelling.



Treatment and rehabilitation of an artificial knee joint

It is recommended to start knee rehabilitation before the surgery itself. With good muscle strength and function, you will contribute to your own rehabilitation process after surgery.

Once the surgery is completed, you can continue your rehabilitation as soon as the stitches are removed and the surgical incision has healed. In rehabilitation, the focus is on increasing mobility and promoting muscle strength. As the rehabilitation progresses, larger movements of the knee will be incorporated. These are movements needed for everyday/leisure activities, such as foot placement on golf swings. Rehabilitation will be carried out using medical exercise equipment, body weight and manual techniques.