Hip replacement rehabilitation

Hip replacement surgery

Hip replacement surgery can be done either because of wear and tear or after an accident, such as a fracture of the femur. However, the more common of the two is surgery due to gradual wearing. One of the most common reasons for this is hip osteoarthritis.

Hip replacement surgery involves replacing a broken joint with a new artificial joint. This means that new components are attached to both the hip and the femur. The details of the operation are always decided by the surgeon.


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Hip rehabilitation begins before the artificial joint surgery

Ideally, rehabilitation should start before surgery. Good muscle condition in the lower extremities, especially the muscles supporting the hip, has been shown to help recovery from surgery.

After the surgery, rehabilitation begins immediately in the recovery room, in which initial movement and balance are supported by an assistive device, such as a crutch, walker, or rollator. In general, aided walking, i.e. full weight can be applied to the leg, is allowed after surgery. In the early rehabilitation stage, the initial exercises are mobility and walking exercises to reduce swelling. On the second day after the operation, the patient is usually able to walk up and down the stairs with the help of a physiotherapist.


Rehabilitation for hip replacement surgery

Usually, it is preferred to rehabilitate the hip both before and after the surgery, so that both the operation and post-surgery rehabilitation provide optimal recovery outcomes for the individual. Before surgery, training is done within the limits allowed for pain, both with exercise equipment and body weight. The main focus is on pain relief, maintaining hip mobility, and strengthening muscles for holistic support. If necessary, the patient should practice walking with elbow crutches so that they will already be familiar with this when the day of surgery comes.

After surgery, rehabilitation begins by following the instructions of the surgeon. Postoperative rehabilitation includes rehabilitation with exercise equipment, scar tissue treatment, mobility training and a return to normal daily activities through new means.