The Exercise-Kiosk is a large touch-screen with similar functionality as the info kiosk. The main use is for the additional exercise module in a visual and interactive manner. Any exercise or treatment can be added to patients’ training programs with pictures, videos and written instructions. From the screen, patients can easily follow the instructions and mark what exercises they have performed. All completed exercises are recorded in the database.

- Used with additional exercises module
- Login with an RFID card
- Visual and interactive instructions with pictures, videos and written instructions
- Detailed instruction on what side and time
- Record of completed exercises
- Interface adjusts based on exercise type
- Visit selection and visit machine display
- Visit progression
- Compliance and work amount of individual machines and the whole visit
- Ability to use the screen timer
- Possibility to change timer position on the screen (standing or from the floor)
- Capability to add and modify an exercise from basic and own library
- Language selection
- The physiotherapist can modify the program
- The physiotherapist can add new devices, cardio and additional exercise
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