Expanding physiotherapy clinic horizons in Austria

A massive installation project took place in Vienna in May. In a two-week period a large number of DAVID and cardio devices were installed in six locations of Dr. Kienbacher’s rehab and training centers in Vienna.

Expanding physiotherapy clinic horizons in Austria

Prof Kienbacher is a doctor and professor in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (PMR) and a long-time client for David Health. The first set of exercise therapy equipment was already installed in the autumn of 2009, over 10 years ago.

The devices were introduced to four different locations in Vienna, including the Liesing, Stadlau, Dornbach, and Penzing. Dr. Kienbacher was also one of the first to acquire the new Generation line devices. Two spine systems were installed in Liesing in the autumn of 2013. Liesing was also the location for our David World Forum, which had hundreds of participants back in 2013.

Kienbacher physiotherapy clinic for pain treatment


Prof Kienbacher has been very forward-looking in utilizing new technology in physical therapy and rehabilitation. One specialty in his centers is to divide operations into medical rehabilitation and the preservation of specific long-term benefits by medical training. His success shows that there is a large need for professional and safe atmosphere for people who want to exercise for health reasons.


One speciality is to divide operations into medical rehabilitation and the preservation of specific long-term benefits by medical training.


best physiotherapy clinic in Austria

We want to wish Dr. Kienbacher and his great team of therapists success with many happy patients and members. Be sure to check out the Dr. Kienbacher Training reference page for more information.