Collateral ligament knee injury

Collateral ligament knee injury

The collateral ligaments are the ligaments that support the knee and are found on the inner and outer edges of the knee. Injuries to the collateral ligaments usually occur when the knee is twisted either inward or outwards. When the knee twists inwards, in other words when the tibia twists inwards relative to the knee, the lateral ligament on the outer edge is damaged. When the knee twists outwards, the inner lateral ligament is affected. A snapping or popping sound may be heard when the collateral ligament tears. Other symptoms of a torn collateral ligament include swelling and pain in the inner or outer part of the knee. The knee may also feel unstable, depending on the extent of the tear.


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Treatment of a collateral ligament tear

The treatment of a collateral ligament tear depends on the extent of the injury. Initially, support, such as a brace, can be used if this is deemed necessary. In rare cases, collateral ligament injuries may also require surgery. After a collateral ligament injury, regardless of whether the treatment is conservative or surgical, weight-bearing on the affected leg is allowed as tolerated by pain.

Rehabilitation of a collateral ligament injury begins with an initial examination by a physiotherapist and an interview with the patient. Based on the information provided and the examination, an individual rehabilitation plan is created for the patient. Depending on the extent of the tear and possible surgical treatment, physiotherapy may include exercises to improve range of motion, strength exercises, lower limb alignment and movement control exercises, and manual therapy as needed.