Meniscus tear

Torn meniscus

There are two types of cartilage in the knee, articular and meniscal cartilage. These are crescent-shaped connective tissue discs that primarily function as shock absorbers. They are located between the tibia and the femur. Injuries to the meniscus usually occur due to twisting of the knee. However, the meniscus can also tear due to excess stress on the knee. The symptoms may not immediately appear after a knee sprain, but may come a few days later.


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Symptoms of a meniscus tear

The most typical symptom of a meniscus tear injury is the locking of the knee in a bent position. This means that the knee is momentarily unable to straighten after, for example, squatting. Other common symptoms of a meniscal injury include swelling of the knee and pain around the knee area, particularly during activities or when twisting the knee. A snapping sound may also be heard from the knee joint.


Treatment of a torn meniscus

In most cases, partial or small tears of the knee joint are treated with physiotherapy. Only complete tears require surgery. Physiotherapy focuses on strengthening the muscles that support the knee and, as the rehabilitation progresses, improving control of the knee and lower limb movements.

The David Hip & Knee solution can help rehabilitate a knee injury. These devices enable progressive and safe training of the muscles that support the knee, allowing for individualized rehabilitation for each patient. Additionally, physiotherapy focuses on muscle and movement control to prevent future injuries.