G110 – Back Extension

The movement mobilizes the lower back (lumbar/thoracic spine) in the sagittal plane, activating the extensor muscles. The device even allows people with severe and chronic back pain to start mobilization and strengthening exercises safely and effectively. Learn more about our spine solution or business cases.

  • Automatic footplate and seat adjustments (electronic version)
  • Range of Motion adjustment to accommodate various users
  • Unique hip fixation eliminates the activation of the strong hip extensors, helping targeting the lumbar and thoracic area
  • Segmental vertebrae level movement activates critical interspinales and rotatores muscles
  • EVE integration with strength and mobility tests and therapist software
  • Weight stack: 2,5/100 kg, 5.5/220 lbs
  • Medical-CE device, class 1M

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Target muscles

  • Spinalis thoracis
  • Iliocostalis thoracis
  • Longissimus thoracis
  • iliocostalis lumborum
  • Interspinalis lumborum
  • Multifidus
  • Semispinalis thoracis

Learn more about the G110 Back Extension Device.

Company and manufacturing contact

David Health Solutions Ltd.
Mannerheimintie 113, 8th floor,
00280 Helsinki
Phone: +358 (0) 20 759 7300
Fax: +358 (0) 20 759 7301
Product variations
Méretek (szélesség, hossz, magasság)

89/138/139 cm, 35/54/55 in


264 kg, 582 lbs


61508 Core-body mechanical weight exerciser


Medical-CE device, class 1M
EN 957-1
EN 957-2
IEC EN 60601-1
IEC EN 60601-1-2


With the DAVID Spine Solution, spine muscles can be exercised scientifically, safely and effectively, even with severe complaints such as:


Range of motion: 12 steps

Seat adjustment: Step-less with an actuator (electronic), 7 steps (manual)

Hip lock footplate: Step-less with an actuator (electronic), 9 steps(manual)

Hip lock knee adjustment: Step-less

Upper back support (Movement arm): 3 steps

Isometric torque measurement points

0°, 30°


Power (idle / actuators with load): ~36W (~0.15A) / up-to 140W (~0.6A)


2.5/100 kg, 5.5/220 lbs


The features that truly set DAVID Solution apart from the competition are the biomechanical properties, the wide loading range, the ease of use, and the fully integrated biofeedback method with automated data collection functions.

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