G140 Cervical Extension / Lateral Flexion Device

The device movement mobilizes extension and lateral flexion of the cervical spine activating extensor and lateral flexor muscles.

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Movement as medicine

With the DAVID Spine Solution, spine muscles can be exercised in a scientifically proven safe and effective way, even with severe complaints such as a herniated disc in the spine or neck, scoliosis, and osteoarthritis.

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Cervical Extension / Lateral Flexion Device

The movement mobilizes extension and lateral flexion of the cervical spine activating extensor and lateral flexor muscles.

  • Automatic seat adjustment (electronic version)
  • Rotating seat and terminal for easy transition between exercises
  • Ergonomically contoured seat for natural posture
  • EVE integration with strength and mobility tests
  • Weight stack: 1/25 kg, 2.2/55 lbs

Target muscles

  • Superior trapezius
  • Splenius capitis
  • Splenius cervicis
  • Semispinalis capitis
  • Longissimus capitis
  • Longissimus cervicis
  • Interspinales cervicis
  • Semispinalis cervicis
  • Sternocleidomastoid
  • Scalene anterior
  • Scalene middle
  • Scalene posterior
  • Splenius capitis
  • Splenius cervicis

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Méretek (szélesség, hossz, magasság)

108/115/190 cm, 43/45/75 in


177 kg, 390 lbs


35699 Neck mechanical weight exerciser


Medical-CE device, class 1m


Range of movement adjustment: 8 steps

Seat adjustment Step-less with an actuator, 12 steps in manual mode

Chest support 1-17

Isometric torque measurement points

-15°, 0°, 15°


EUDAMED ID code: D-9G14601CNR


Power (idle / actuators with load): ~36W (~0.15A) / up-to 140W (~0.6A)


1/25 kg, 2.2/55 lbs