Blog / december 17, 2019
Introducing revolutionary spine and orthopedic care in Tulsa, Oklahoma
Nordic Health offers a physician-driven and patient-centric treatment program for those with musculoskeletal pain....
Blog / december 4, 2019
How LEEF! has changed a lifestyle in the Netherlands
What is the reason that you started with LEEF? In the Netherlands, we see...
Blog / oktober 19, 2019
Intelligent rehabilitation technology is helping China cope with its growing musculoskeletal problems
China has its share of challenges in taking care of its population that is...
Blog / augustus 14, 2019
What is the best way to strengthen back muscles?
Everybody knows low back pain is very common. It is the leading cause of...
Blog / juli 17, 2019
“We shook up the medical world!”
I am a sport scientist with a PhD in training sciences and sports medicine....
Blog / juni 19, 2019